Skipping along like a Child of God

One of my fondest childhood memories is when I went for a walk with my father, he took me by the hand and I skipped along. In fact, I have seen many fathers or mothers walking like this since then, and one reason for the child’s skipping is certainly that his or her steps are shorter and so he or she can follow more easily. But you also see young animals hopping. It seems to be an expression of youth – and joy. When I see a child skipping, it looks to me as if it wants to get closer to heaven. Every step is a hop.

Jesus says: “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Mt 19:14

Another – perhaps somewhat unusual – thought: children’s skulls are very soft when they are born. So that they can pass through at birth. The skull only hardens over time. Here, too, we see an “openness” of the children towards heaven. They have come from heaven and still “know” it, they are still in contact with it. And in the hands of their loving parents, they still feel “at home” and free and secure, as if they were in heaven.

Have you, dear reader, tried to hop your way again since then? Perhaps your hips or your knees (or your belly) no longer allow it… You could try it. Just a few steps. You too are a child of God!

9 thoughts on “Skipping along like a Child of God

  1. Guten Abend, Herr Wilde!

    Wohnhaft in Hildesheim , reagiere ich gern auf Ihre Nachricht.
    Kind Gottes zu sein, leicht gesagt. Die moralische Belastung der Gotteskindschaft mit dem Sünden- und Schuldbegriff, der Abwertung des Körperlich-natürlichen, kurz ein Menschenbild, das von der Vorstellung einer Ursünde geprägt ist, verhindert , dass ich mich als Kind Gottes fühle. Ich bekenne mich zu all meinen Verfehlungen, Sünden, d.h. Gottesablehnungen. Aber mich als Kind Gottes zu fühlen, ich möchte es…. ? ich bin 75.
    Bernhard Setzer

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    1. Lieber Herr Setzer, es tut mir leid, dass Sie mit diesem belasteten Gottesbild aufwachsen mussten. Sie sind nicht der einzige. Die Sehnsucht, bei Gott zu sein, sich als sein Kind fühlen zu dürfen, wird uns aber führen. Sie hilft uns, uns ganz langsam zu befreien, befreien zu lassen. Ich glaube, das ist total unabhängig vom Alter. Gottes unbedingte Liebe zu jedem von uns ist stärker. – Ganz herzliche Grüsse in die Heimat!


  2. Dear Father Wilde,

    I loved skipping as a child too! But I am 72 now and can no longer skip.

    However my heart can still skip a beat-and i consider that divine.

    Thank you for all the comfort and inspiration you give to this Episcopalian!

    Virginia F Ramsey

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  3. Thank you, it is good to go back to those years and see how we skipped about so spontaneously. I had never thought of our movement being an awareness of having a connection to heaven. I do remember just talking to God when I did some of my chores and playing alone. We spend most of our time with family members in sharing space and time. Mary Agnes

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lieber Pater Mauritius,

    Ihre Zeilenl lese ich in schwieriger Zeit, aber: Sie helfen, Sie erinnern daran, auch schwach und sorgenvoll, ein Kind Gottes zu sein. In Sicherheit und im Glück an Seiner guten Hand. Wohin auch immer!

    Von Herzen im Dank
    Freddy Derwahl

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